
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Free Money from Chinese Government

Matthew Lesko Gets Free Money from Chinese Government

       I have not had this much fun since I flunked college English and then my first book made the New York Times bestseller list.  I am now taking Chinese language courses at the Confucius Instiute at George Mason University for a fraction of what others pay.  
       Regular courses at George Mason are $1,000+. My course is only $150 and I'm having the time of my life. There are 87 Confucius Institutes in the USA.  Find one near you and start having fun in your life too.  See a complete list at http://college.chinese.cn/en/node_3777.htm  

Does China Make Everything Cheaper Than We Do?
See How I'm Having Fun Getting Free Chinese Money

Matthew Lesko
New York Times Best Selling Author and Entrepreneur

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